Category: Art & Design

  • true story…

    some things of note: * happy birthday to maria! my favorite thing about maria is she never gets upset with me when i ask embarrearing medical questions like where do babies come from. * “joey” by concrete blonde – josh heard it on the radio today and called to tell me so, and now it’s…

  • slack attack courtesy of smack. that’s heroin, people.

    seriously, i feel like i haven’t been online in ages and ages. what the heck! and there’s not even a ton to tell you about since the last time i posted. so here’s a bunch of random little updates. told you about the dog… oh the dog. he is adorable and was housetrained after one…

  • bbbbbbbbbbbbblaaaah

    okay, i’ve been spending the last twenty minutes reading michael ian black‘s myspace blog. goddam that dude is funny. right at this very moment, i have a chunk of time to do something artsy, and i have absolutely no ideas. zip zero zilch. that kinda crap really just wateres me off.

  • chockful of AWESOME!

    yesterday was a pretty sweet day, yo. i think i’m gonna start using yo all the time, by the way, yo. cuz i got street cred, man. street cred. had a bit of an afternoon date with josh – we went to park pantry for lunch, and have you ever had a “nicoise salad”? i…

  • wacky celeb paintings are goin’ fast!

    darn, yo. i put that fruit and nuts celeb series of paintings up in siren here in long beach in january, right? 11 little 5″ x 5″ paintings (one had already sold over the holiday season) hanging on the wall by the greeting cards, here it is like four months later and five have already…

  • look madge, i soaked in it!

    that’s what i always think when i think of madonna. don’t ask me why. i just want to tell you two things. number one, i love home workout tapes and i’ll tell you why. when you get tired, you can totally make a mockery of the moves and the instructor can’t yell at you. there’s…

  • a horse kicked me in the face once, it was awesome

    dude, i hope i hope i hope the shirt i’m working on right now makes it to stores because it cracks my crap up. and looking at all these my little ponies that michelle and i had when we were kids is making me all nostalgic, i think i’m gonna poop myself! the end!

  • it’s that time of the year again…

    this one kinda came up on me at the last minute, so there wasn’t a lot of time for more artsy fartsy stuff, but i still dig it. hope there’s money in the budget to print these on red paper cuz that’d be hot. the end i’m going to bed! you best go to this…

  • electricsweatshirt will zap your pants off!

    so the weekly homework for this wednesday’s art meeting is to pull together examples of different art and inspirations that we think are cool. i just started going through current sites i heart aside from my friends blogs, mostly ones jenn introduced me to, including,,… i just visited and POW! that…

  • someone’s been a busy little bee….

    buzz buzz, mutual funders!!! there’s a crapload on my to-do list today! including: -print the new “goats love blts” black dots shirts for battle of the bands next weekend -put em up for sale in the shop on this site -make an order form for when we hopefully run out of shirts at the show…

  • in store show and tell

    howdy kiddies! so i’ve been workin’ at mighty fine for about 3 months now, meaning some tshirt designs are starting to trickle into stores! just one for now, but expect about 11 more links to shirts i’ve done towards the end of may: spider tank at hot topic plus-size spider tank at hot topic

  • donny miller rocks my world!

    hey there kids, you gotta check out donny miller, cuz his stuff is seriously cracking me up! almost as good as married to the sea. almost, but not quite.

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