Tag: backyard

  • Our baby chicks are FIRED.

    I was going to put this up as a short little post on Instagram or Facebook, but the story is way too long to give it justice. Our baby chicks are SO fired. SO FIRED. We get home from church this afternoon and Josh gets ready to run out the door to work as he…

  • Wild America in Our Own Backyard

    Recently, I went out to the backyard for something and was greeted with an unexpected visitor just hanging out on our lawn. The second I came out the door he booked it, making haste for the wall. But instead of hopping it and running off, he just hung out. Watching me. But more importantly, watching…

  • The Continued Adventures in Backyard Chicken Ownership…

    Yesterday Josh walks into our office and says what no chicken owner wants to hear: “We’re missing a chicken.” Ummmm WHAT?!?! How are we missing a chicken?! I mean, last fall I saw a hawk hanging around our backyard cuz he was looking for a chicken dinner, but that was because our dog was in…

  • Our Chickens are Officially Laying Eggs!

    AAAAAAA!!!! Our chickens have officially started laying eggs!! Josh found the first one hiding behind a bush in the backyard yesterday morning, and throughout the day two more eggs turned up behind a rosebush! We prompty cooked up the eggs  into omelettes for breakfast this morning, and they were super-delicious! Click here to check out some pics…

  • Backyard Garden Bounty!

    We’ve started seeing awesome results from some of our backyard garden! Corn, jalepenos, onions, tomatoes, garlic – it’s all there and accounted for! I say awesome results from some of our backyard garden because other crops have not faired as well… Chickens, I’m looking in your direction when I say our strawberries and broccoli have…

  • the ladies are ready for their close-up…

    Our flock of chickens were nice enough to pause for photos yesterday! (Mostly because I was nice enough to put out that tray of food while they were runnin’ around the backyard…) One of the Doublemint Twins high-tails it for her car – no paparazzi please! Lady Cluckington proves the science fact that if you…

  • corn!

    I need to take pics of all the awesomeness going on in our backyard right now for you guys! I’ll do that soon, but in the meantime check out how well our corn is growing!

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