Tag: booze

  • A Quest for Anniversary Dinner

    So for our anniversary dinner last week, I wanted to try someplace we hadn’t been before. I advanced token to restaurant.com for ideas, because they’ve got coupons for cheap eatin’. And we’re old. And old people love their coupons. We narrowed it down to two Long Beach options: Ristorante DaVinci overlooking the airport, or Lasher’s…

  • hearts and laserbeams book report: ya yas in bloom by rebecca wells

    ok it has been AGES. sorry about that folks. the only thing that’s been constant lately is change, and lots of it – transitioning into having a full-time job again and still keep hearts and laserbeams alive has been a trick and a half but i’m workin it out and it’s all startin to mesh,…

  • karaoke party pics!

    aw nuts, it’s been a couple of days since my last post! i’m trying to get back into the swing of writing every day like i used to; sometimes things are so busy it slips my mind! like these past couple of days – wednesday night was my buddy shannon and i’s last chance to…

  • Recap from the ArtHouse Co-op Sketchbook Opening!

    Last night my sister Michelle came over to hang out, and after we ordered delicious chinese food from Mr. Chens, we remembered the opening reception for the sketchbook project show with art house coop was going on in Atlanta, And that they were webcasting it! AND we are both in it! The first step was…

  • revenge of the reinbeer!!!

    ok check it out, for xmas this last year, our buddy lamele gave josh and i a couple of these awesome reinbeer! and for whatever reason, the beer in our house is always slow to go. i don’t know if it’s because it’s on the bottom shelf of our fridge and it just kinda weirdly…

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