Tag: chicken

  • Wild America in Our Own Backyard

    Recently, I went out to the backyard for something and was greeted with an unexpected visitor just hanging out on our lawn. The second I came out the door he booked it, making haste for the wall. But instead of hopping it and running off, he just hung out. Watching me. But more importantly, watching…

  • We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat…

    If you’ve kept up with us on Twitter, you know we had a massive gardening day last week. It left us with tons of fresh produce strewn across the table on our back porch, and a day full of food preservation. We froze food, we dehydrated, we canned. And we were STILL left with three…

  • The Continued Adventures in Backyard Chicken Ownership…

    Yesterday Josh walks into our office and says what no chicken owner wants to hear: “We’re missing a chicken.” Ummmm WHAT?!?! How are we missing a chicken?! I mean, last fall I saw a hawk hanging around our backyard cuz he was looking for a chicken dinner, but that was because our dog was in…

  • Let’s Get All Top Chef Up In Here!

    A few weeks ago we started getting tons of tomatoes from the dozen or so plants we have growing in the back and front yards – to the point where I got all Martha Stewart and tried my hand at canning em so they wouldn’t go bad before we ate em! But then, as we…

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