Tag: fun

  • she’s a fiend, i tell you!

    new items in the shop again! jenn norwood is a picture-taking fiend! check out the latest, 2 new colors for dino necklaces and power rings pow-kaPOW! also, we fried up some squid steaks tonight… and like the actual animal, they came out a little weird. like i would totally use our breading concoction again on…

  • squid fishing!

    HOLY CRAP IT WAS AWESOME. i can’t wait to try cooking it up!

  • hump day, we hardly knew ye

    holy cow it’s thursday already. where did the week go? karaoke, that’s where. last night was awesome, in this order: -got my back adjusted-ate a wendys hamburger-finished and sent off a t design for josh’s uncle’s high school reunion-found out josh may join us at stitch n witch in the future-went to stitch n witch-went…

  • pastry pasties!

    ok i am totally in love with these and you should probably buy em! because they’re cupcakes! for your cupcakes! p.s. did you write So.Co.Bazaar on your calander yet? you probably should!

  • making cupcakes…

    it’s amazing how much quicker and easier it is to crochet cupcakes when you actually know how crocheting works… i’m workin on bustin’ out a bunch of the tasty treats for SoCoBazaar on june 2 and they’re so much more fun to make now because they don’t take 8 hours and they all look pretty…

  • battle of the bands 2007!

    ok so last night was la palma’s battle of the bands, and it was the 3rd year of my sister’s band the black dots entering. and it was the last year they were eligible to enter since robert’s an old fogey and just gettin’ older. we were really really hoping for a win and lo…

  • so it’s been a while!!!

    sit back and get ready for a nice long update because it’s been effing FOREVER since i’ve been on here and lots has happened! mostly lately i’ve been working on the shop section of the website, gettin’ all the goods i’ve got that were available on the old site into the new site. and that…

  • help your fellow crafter!

    i had told ya about jenny from felt club being slapped with some heinous fines for well-meaning people putting felt club posters up where they shouldn’t have in downtown l.a. – she got another fine in the mail the other day, bringing the grand total to something like 600 bucks. ay yi yi, no me…

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