Tag: instagram

  • Today’s Arty Party…

    True story, the name of this painting series is a bit of an homage to one of my favorite movies as a kid, the super rad and amazingly hilarious Blues Brothers. “Shake Your Tailfeather” is in the movie, is on the soundtrack, and I wore that cassette tape OUT. Then I bought it on CD.…

  • Today’s Arty Party…

    You know why so many paintings are called Untitled? It’s because otherwise over time the artist starts treating paintings like children and calling them a million names before landing on the right one! I think the true name of this one is Purple Nurple, but you’re not going to know for sure unless you take…

  • Today’s Arty Party…

    No lie I love this #bird’s boots. I don’t think I can really jive with a pair of white boots myself, though… I got a supercool new pair of Spicoli Shoes recently (black and white checkered @Vans if you haven’t seen Fast Times at Ridgemont High) and even with the protective spray I bought with…

  • Today’s Arty Party…

    I don’t know exactly what sparked this series, but it’s so wacky it’s always been a favorite of mine and I’m putting out into the universe that it’s time for these rocking #birds to find their forever homes. Each in the series is a different colored #bird in cool shoes having a dance party to…

  • Today’s Arty Party…

    School Picture Day and these monsters are HERE for it! They’re so cute and young and innocent you probably need these Halloween paintings hung year round. “Frankenstein’s Monster’s School Portrait” is an acrylic on oval canvas with wire ready to hang and you can see his buddy Dracula in the scroll —-> Pick up the…

  • Today’s Arty Party…

    It’s always a good time to get ready for #Halloween, and these school #portraits are an awesome way to have a little spooky in your house all year round. Wouldn’t it be great to hang these up next to your real kids’ school portraits? I think now you pretty much have to. “Dracula’s School Portrait”…

  • Today’s Arty Party…

    This fun watercolor features two merbots cruising through the ocean with dolphins, because it’s always a good time to practice water safety even if you’re a robot mermaid programmed in all the best swimming strokes! Scroll to see a companion piece available in this series —-> “Swim with a Buddy” is a watercolor painting framed…

  • Today’s Arty Party…

    Ok so it’s safe to say I used to be obsessed with painting robots. A Southern California art gallery (@cactusgallery !) had a mermaid / ocean themed art show and my Merbots were born. Because obviously that’s the next evolution of the robot. A part fish part robot Robot. Anyways, these two have discovered a…

  • Today’s Arty Party…

    Fun Fact: some kids are the type of learners where things sink in better if they’re drawing. Funner Fact: I was not this kind of learner, I do better taking copious notes and being shown HOW to do something, but when I was in elementary school I was so obsessed with drawing I let my…

  • Today’s Arty Party…

    Ok so I can tell you openly now as an adult that I’ve got #anxiety, but that was something I didn’t even know existed when I was a kid. One day our fifth grade class was doing a play at school and I faked being sick so I wouldn’t have to perform. My costume was…

  • Today’s Arty Party…

    This watercolor is a piece from my art series that talked about not really fitting in at the Catholic school I went to as a kid. Maybe it was just kid stuff that all kids do? Who knows. But if you went to Catholic school as a kid you tell me – did you make…

  • Today’s Arty Party…

    Have you ever met someone that didn’t love #iceCream? They seem a little off, right? This fun ice cream loving robot (cue Michael Scott’s MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP!) is looking for a home where someone loves both art and ice cream. And robots. Three things. Simple. You must love art and ice cream and robots to…

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