Tag: Miscellaneous

  • Happy Biggest Retail Sales Day of the Year to everyone! If you called me at 7am this morning, and let the phone ring once (enough to wake my rear up) before hanging up, know that I am enlisting the rearistance of the phone company to find out who you are so you can be dragged…

  • Didn’t sleep much again last night. I feel like a freaking zombie. If we really do ditch work for a while to go catch a movie today I’ll probably sleep through it. Unless it’s Jackrear. You should go see that if you haven’t already. Funny, funny (disturbing) stuff. It won’t be Jackrear. Michelle has something…

  • Steph to the second power, it could be worse. My last checkupy type doctor had to be picked from a list, too. I never know how to pick doctors, so I just went with the one that had a name sounding like a local fast food chain because it made me laugh. He turned out…

  • Crapulence. So when I was setting up my nifty little bloggy thingie here, and blatantly stealing templates and code from others (which is really really freakin’ addicting, seeing as I can’t code for crap and finding easy, easy code to use is rad), I got to the point where hey, I’ll do the linky link…

  • In my defense, this template made my title look the funniest. Just kidding. I’m a sheep. moo. That’s why I’m on blogger; everyone else is doing it. That’s why I wear clothes, too. It’s way to early to be up on a weekendy type day. But Jed the Fish’s Out of Order countdown is on…

  • So after a year and some-odd months of reading Kat’s online journal and meeting a cool group of people who use blogger on an almost daily basis I have finally given in to the site’s bloggy ways. Maybe it’ll be a good jump start to actually DOING some writing instead of talking about it all…

  • BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. this is a test. this is only a test. if this had been a real emergency, like an earthquake or volcano, we’d have told you that you’re screwed.

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