Tag: Music

  • come on down and see me sometime!

    i just updated the calendar of upcoming arts and crafts shows and HOLY CRAP september’s gonna be a busy month! you should try and come out to one of these and pick up some new never-before seen stuff! at the horsin’ around craft fair i’ll be debuting hearts and laserbeams-sewn reversible tote bags in a…

  • jeepers it’s the fuzz!

    etsy is a wonderful magical place. a place where i’ve listed all the stuff in the shop on my own site, which has gotten slim to none traffic in the shop area since it’s gone online, and within 2 weeks on etsy i’ve sold 3 things. if you do any kinds of handmade goodies i…

  • battle of the bands 2007!

    ok so last night was la palma’s battle of the bands, and it was the 3rd year of my sister’s band the black dots entering. and it was the last year they were eligible to enter since robert’s an old fogey and just gettin’ older. we were really really hoping for a win and lo…

  • black dots show!

    i’m going outta town tomorrow night so i won’t have time to properly hound you to go to this thing… so mark your calendars i’m only gonna say it once! (and then a bunch more like the day before the show happens…) spread the love, tell your friends, and remember – support the arts, kill…

  • Drop Your Pants and Rock to the Oldies!

    Happy Thanksgiving to y’all! It’s been a great day – went to the dog park with jimmy this morning for a while… Just a note to the lady with the 2 huskies who got mad at me for not calling off my dog: if all 3 dogs tails are all still wagging I don’t care…

  • josh and steph on the radio!

    the internet radio, that is! courtesy of danielle (aka perlo) and her radio show at cal state dominguez hills! josh and i are gonna guest dj with danielle monday afternoon as part of the wiggum wedding week spectacular! tune in to www.kdhr.net monday afternoon from 1-230pm to hear a bunch of songs you maybe never…

  • more more more, howdayalike it, howdayalike it

    ahahahahahahah so i got this domain name yesterday… no hosting or anything yet cuz there’s no time to work on the actual site right now, but for all your baboon hearts, military grade laser cannons and hovercraft needs, hearts and laserbeams is the place for you! lemme just give some shout outs to things other…

  • there’ll be time enough for countin’ when the dealings done

    remind me to tell you later about one of my most favoritest high school memories that includes kenny roger’s “the gambler”. that song just came on at work, and it always makes me smiley and nostalgic. also, if don’t you forget to tune in to kdhr.net today at 2pm pacific time for danielle’s radio show!!!…

  • thank god i’m a country boy

    here’s a quick little thing i did for this week’s illustration friday – nothing really behind it, just trying to get back into the swing of doing it every week, you know? i kinda dig it, who doesn’t love polka dots and happy faces? if i spent more time on it i would’ve added a…

  • i’m walkin on sunshine

  • play some skynard!!!

    okay, so last tuesday there was a mixup or something, and danielle didn’t get to do her radio show. what does this mean for you? A, you didn’t miss out! and B, now there’s a fancypants ad to promote the crap outta this thing. if you wanna put the ad on your own myspace page,…

  • really short notice…

    i was gonna post about this last night with a nicely designed ad and crap, but then we went to dog park and got sidetracked by comfy sleepy bed. but in a half hour, you better tune your rear in to my sister danielle (aka perlo) lehman’s brand new radio show!!! that’s 930am pacific time,…

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