Tag: vacation

  • hearts and laserbeams book report: into the wild by jon krakauer

    ok so this last weekend josh, brittanie and i went to minnesota for my brother justin and his girl ashley’s wedding – we get to the airport and talking to my sister brittanie, she had a sexy vampire book while i had nothin’ to read at all and this aggression will not stand! while josh…

  • happy new years!!!

    omg i am awful, it’s already a week into the new year, i’ve been home from vacation for like 3.5 days now, and i STILL have not updated anything on the blog!! i’ll keep it short and sweet, but the holidays were a blasty! was bequeathed with a spanky new rear endonmaker that will greatly…

  • notes from work – the thanksgiving edition!

    ok so with tomorrow being thanksgiving, i have like a billion things on my to do list today – i thought i was being smart, and tried to get a bunch of it done before work. which left me running late to the office, as usual. and of course, strangeness from the moment i get…

  • portland weekend recap!

    ok so as you know we went to portland last weekend! we were visiting our buddies rachael and justin (of the ruckus fame, it was halloween, justin is currently in an agatha christie play, so it was a busy few days chock full of fun! we flew on jet blue, and normally telling you about…

  • welcome to the monkey house

    i never did get around to reading more vonnegut books like i’ve always meant to, and now when i go pick up slaughterhouse five it’s gonna look like i’m only interested cuz the guy died. welcome to the monkey house was a cool book of short stories, and you should also probably read breakfast of…

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