24 Hours of Thanksgiving – What I’m Thankful For

This year, I have quite an amazing lot of stuff to be thankful for. But almost no time these days to actually sit back, take it in, and enjoy it. So today thought I’d do a little something different. We’re celebrating the whole entire day off with 24 hours chock full of Thanksgiving gratitude. Here’s my top 24 list of what I’m thankful for; I’ll be sharing snippets online throughout the day.

I’d love if you’d share it, too!

1. I’m thankful for my husband Josh. We’re far away from each other right at this exact moment, but we’re just as close as we’ve ever been. He’s the cream to my coffee, the socks to my shoes, the cat poop to my litter box. He’s the rock that keeps me grounded when I feel like I’m going insane, and the goofball that’s kept me smiling for over 8 years now.

Who's that guy behind us?

2. I’m thankful for our son, Phil. This kid is amazing. I know I’m biased. I know it. But admit it. You’ve never met a cooler two year old either, have you? This kid pretends to be a baby bird and says please already. He’s well on his way to complete and total radness later in life.

Phil throwing leaves

3. I’m thankful our plans to move to Savannah, GA finally came to fruition. If you didn’t know, Josh and I bought a house here 4 years ago. This part of the country has only gotten more gorgeous over time. The house needs work, but it’s our house and it’s exciting to have renovations on the eventual horizon.

4. I’m thankful for orange juice. I’m writing this with a cold and orange juice makes me feel better.

5. I’m thankful that season three of Walking Dead is way better than last season. It’s been so much fun getting together with Jenn on Sunday nights to live tweet it. Keep an eye out for us with that ol’ #walkingdead hashtag. I’m @hrtsnlaserbeams on Twitter, she’s @swirlogirl. Last week we had the pleasure of live-tweeting with Josh as well! (@joshnigel)

6. I’m thankful that Hostess sounds like it’s going to work things out with its union workers for the sake of the Twinkie. Mostly because I’m kind of just a little tired of hearing about it. Twinkie’s a huge snack brand with licensing and everything behind it. If Hostess goes under, they’re absolutely selling that brand to the highest bidder on the way down the drain.

7. I’m thankful for the internet. Without the internet as it exists today, I would still be working full-time permanent design jobs at various desks in southern California. I’d still be commuting 30-40 miles to and from work every single day. Thank you computer science for allowing me to bring my graphic design business with me to the most beautiful part of the country. (See number 3 above.)

8. I’m even more thankful for the family, friends, ex-coworkers, ex-bosses, colleagues, networking contacts and most of all clients that have believed enough in my design abilities to give me the opportunity to work at home with my son Phil. (See number 2.) (I don’t mean my son Phil is number two, or poop.)

9. I’m thankful for my church in Guyton. It’s a good one. They have a house band. You’d like it. You should join us. (My friend Kim says every church here has a house band. I’ve been to a few churches out here, and her story seems to check out. But Living Faith Church has the best one I’ve heard so far.) The friends we’ve made there, the support we’ve received in the couple of months we’ve known this group of people. It’s amazing, and I’m grateful.

10. I’m thankful for sleep when I can get it. That doesn’t happen too often these days.

11. I’m thankful we live in the same city as my best friend Jenn again. I like being able to see one of the people I like most in this world at least once or twice a week again. Phil hearts her more than I do, I think. When he hears her come in the door on Sunday nights for dinner, he practically throws himself across the room in an effort to get over to her ASAP.

12. I’m thankful that YouTube has archives of oldies but goodies like Homestarrunner.com and Sifl and Ollie.

13. I’m thankful for all the rest of my family. My mom in law Carole, all of Josh’s extended family and mine. You all mean so much to me, and I wish I could talk to you far away folks every single day. None of you are less than because you’re further down the list. There’s just so much to be grateful for.

14. I’m thankful my friend Jeanette understands that sometimes the laughter from dark black humor is the best medicine in a crappy situation. I’m also thankful I met Jeanette.

15. With that, I’m thankful for everyone else I’ve connected with this year that’s made my life that much richer. I can’t name you all here, this thing would go on forever. Just know if I emailed with you, saw you in person,chatted with you on the phone or via text, yukked over pizza with you, spilled something on myself in front of you, etc etc etc.
You make me feel blessed.

16. I’m thankful for steady work, new opportunities almost every week, bills being paid, and food on the table. Especially good food on the table today, am I right?

FaceTime with Dad17. I’m thankful for FaceTime. It’s made the miles between Josh and I, and moreso Josh and his little boy, just a tiny bit easier to take. There is nothing cuter and at the same time more heart wrenching than seeing that amazing kid try to hug a phone.

18. I’m thankful for my health. I’m thankful for the eyesight I do have. I’m thankful the bad eye’s been stable since 2002. Things could have gone much, much worse.

19. I’m thankful they’re building a Dunkin’ Donuts 15 minutes from my house. It’s bizarre living somewhere that’s easily 20 miles from the nearest Starbucks. And 12 miles from the nearest coffee house. Fancy Coffee Friday’s gone by the wayside just a tiny bit these days, but I have plans to keep it alive. Big plans.

20. I’m thankful for the tidal wave of creativity that lets me come up with big amazing plans. Now if I could just find the time to do it all.

21. I’m thankful for my future sister in law Cari. You’re amazing, girl, and if Chris didn’t ask you to marry him I’d have asked you to marry me instead. We don’t get to talk very often, but I think about you all the time.

22. I’m thankful for long holiday weekends and the potential to sleep in that never seems to actually happen. (Phil, I’m looking in your direction.)

23. I’m thankful Phil has discovered the joys of watching Spongebob Squarepants, because I love watching Spongebob Squarepants. I love that he gets all businesslike when he asks to watch it. He calls it “Bob” in a very terse manner. “Bob peeez” (Spongebob, please)

24. I’m thankful for my entire life. I’m thankful for the people in it, near and far. I’m thankful for this day, and tomorrow, and the day after that. I’m thankful for warm socks, candy, fall leaves, and wild animals in my backyard. I’m also thankful my list of 24 things to be thankful for is done.

Thank you for reading it.

What are you most thankful for this year? Leave me a list in the comments!

Freelance Illustrator Steph Calvert • Steph Calvert Art | https://stephcalvertart.com

Freelance illustrator Steph Calvert is an award-winning artist with 24 years of experience working as a creative professional. She is based in McDonough, Georgia, just south of Atlanta.

Steph Calvert has expertise as a children’s book illustrator. She is an expert surface pattern designer for art licensing and creates line drawings for publishing and product design. Steph has years of additional expertise as a mural artist, creating original art, and logo design for small businesses. She is currently querying literary agents with her first author/illustrator book projects.

National SCBWI Conference, 2023
Illustration Summer Camp – The Highlights Foundation, 2021
Make Art That Sells, 2017
BFA in Computer Art – SCAD, 1999

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