Author: Steph

  • You ever have a day where you eat nothing but crap all day long? And then you feel all tired and crap, and you forget that oh hey, you ate a ton of crapty food today! And then you remember, and you feel lame because you should’ve remembered, and you start to wonder why you’re…

  • So I’ve been having some really whacked-out dreams lately… Last night I was sent to prison. (I don’t remember what for.) It was super-low security; whatever I did couldn’t have been too bad. Security was so lax that we were allowed to leave during the day as long as we promised to get back in…

  • I, on the other hand, would pay a quarter if someone would wear a cheese bra/bro/mansierre and get on tv… And, just to clear matters up with a certain puzzle-fighter-playing boy, you won against someone who had MAYBE 4 hours of sleep and doesn’t function well on less than 6. I’m all rested up now…

  • While at Peabody’s tonight, I remembered a truly wrong and hilarious website. Today was extremely unproductive (and fun). The IT department spent almost the entire day upgrading the Macs in our dept to MacOS 10.2. I’ve always considered myself a very cross-platform kind of girl. Until today. I’m sure (this may just be a pipe…

  • This thing totally lies, dude, I wrote at like 8 something this morning and it said “no, you can’t put that on our site unless you have the super-snazzy paid version of blogger.” Effing whatever. When a superior asks if you want something to do at work, how do you say something like “No thanks,…

  • Interesting morning. Really very interesting. Went to the new retina specialist this morning (who is very, very close to my house – good for me, because I forgot my sunglasses at home). First off, he knows who my old doc is – he’s famous in the eye guy circuit or something. Hooray, I had a…

  • Happy Biggest Retail Sales Day of the Year to everyone! If you called me at 7am this morning, and let the phone ring once (enough to wake my rear up) before hanging up, know that I am enlisting the rearistance of the phone company to find out who you are so you can be dragged…

  • Didn’t sleep much again last night. I feel like a freaking zombie. If we really do ditch work for a while to go catch a movie today I’ll probably sleep through it. Unless it’s Jackrear. You should go see that if you haven’t already. Funny, funny (disturbing) stuff. It won’t be Jackrear. Michelle has something…

  • Steph to the second power, it could be worse. My last checkupy type doctor had to be picked from a list, too. I never know how to pick doctors, so I just went with the one that had a name sounding like a local fast food chain because it made me laugh. He turned out…

  • What Happened to My Eye

    Anyone else seen the new Gap commercial for Xmas, where they’re trying to get you to buy happy stripey things? And they’re all dancing around and singing something like “people all over the world, join hands, start a love train, love train…” Just sounds kinda dirty… Strange night tonight, doing laundry and trying to get…

  • Crapulence. So when I was setting up my nifty little bloggy thingie here, and blatantly stealing templates and code from others (which is really really freakin’ addicting, seeing as I can’t code for crap and finding easy, easy code to use is rad), I got to the point where hey, I’ll do the linky link…

  • In my defense, this template made my title look the funniest. Just kidding. I’m a sheep. moo. That’s why I’m on blogger; everyone else is doing it. That’s why I wear clothes, too. It’s way to early to be up on a weekendy type day. But Jed the Fish’s Out of Order countdown is on…

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