Ello Guvna. Do We Need a New Social Media Site?

Goodbye to New Social Media Site Ello - Hearts and LaserbeamsHave you been looking for a new social media site? No? Too bad.

The new big thing this weekend is Ello. Ello this, Ello that, who’s got an Ello invite to spare. I got on the party train for a hot minute and scored an invite… But then, I didn’t use it.


I know, guys. Get on the party train at the station, be an early adopter, pick up on opportunities to tout my trendy social media skills to brands who might wanna work with me for having my ear to the ground and my finger on the social media pulse.

Here’s why I’m holding out for a bit on signing up for Ello:

Two-Timing Social Media Time Suck

Ello’s being called the anti-Facebook, basically by being the new Facebook. Think about how much time you’re spending on Facebook already. Do you need another one? Maybe all your friends are jumping Facebook ship, and you wanna keep up. But are ALL your Facebook friends jumping ship, or just some of them?

So… are you going to now have two time sucks to keep up with?

Yeah, no thanks. I’ll stick with the one that’s been a constant for the last 8 or so years of my life, the one that my mom in law is on.

I rearure you – Carole’s not jumping on Ello anytime soon. I like being where she’s at.

That New Social Media Site Won’t Let You Auto-Post

One of Ello’s terms of service is that you’re not allowed to automate your posting.

Ello is for human beings. It is against the rules to use a computer to register a lot of users on Ello, or to follow lots of users, or to automate posting.

So you social media mavens out there using buffer and hootsuite… Ask yourself again.

Do you want two time sucks to keep up with?

Nothing Lasts Forever – Even Ad Free Promises

If you’re jumping Facebook ship just because Ello says it’s never going to monetize… Come on now. Think about other social sites that have been ad free for like, forever. That now have ads in your media stream.




Maybe Ello will stay ad free for a few years… but I doubt it will be forever. Especially years from now when there’s a bajilliion users and a buck to be made.

Then There’s That Porn-Friendly Thing

If you haven’t read this article yet, take a read. Ello is totally cool with NSFW content as long as the user is tagging it as NSFW.

That’s cool, sure, if you don’t wanna see scantily clad ladies you just tell Ello not to show you the stuff tagged NSFW, right?

Think about this – the user posting the content has to disclose that it’s NSFW. So they have to remember to do that. Or if they do remember, they have to be the upstanding citizen that doesn’t show rear ends to users that don’t want to see rear ends.

I know that when I’m posting sponsored tweets, Facebook posts, Pinterest pins, and so on, that despite my own best efforts I forget to add the #ad or #spon or #sponsored tag to the post sometimes. It happens. So can we trust that someone posting rear end shots is going to remember to click NSFW every single time?

So they’re pro rear end-shots. But then on Ello’s WTF page, which is their FAQs, they state they’re anti rear ends:

Ello has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of hate, trolling, stalking, spamming, flaming, impersonating others, harming children, pornography, or any other behavior designed to hurt another person physically or emotionally.

But then they’re actively working on adding NSFW flagging to the site so people that don’t want to see rear ends don’t have to. Looks like they need to figure out where they stand on that issue.

As a work at home mom, I’m gonna skip Ello. At the end of the day, whether Ello’s for or against rear ends on my screen, I don’t need my 4 year old and 6 month old seeing em while I’m working on my social media tasks.

Plus, really. I’m having a hard enough time keeping up with Facebook.

Are you signed up on Ello?

Share how it’s working out for you in the comments – do you like it? Are you over it already? Did you just join to grab your screenname?

Freelance Illustrator Steph Calvert • Steph Calvert Art | https://stephcalvertart.com

Freelance illustrator Steph Calvert is an award-winning artist with 24 years of experience working as a creative professional. She is based in McDonough, Georgia, just south of Atlanta.

Steph Calvert has expertise as a children’s book illustrator. She is an expert surface pattern designer for art licensing and creates line drawings for publishing and product design. Steph has years of additional expertise as a mural artist, creating original art, and logo design for small businesses. She is currently querying literary agents with her first author/illustrator book projects.

National SCBWI Conference, 2023
Illustration Summer Camp – The Highlights Foundation, 2021
Make Art That Sells, 2017
BFA in Computer Art – SCAD, 1999

6 responses to “Ello Guvna. Do We Need a New Social Media Site?”

  1. Got the invite and decided it’s not worth my time right now. How long did it take me to build my Facebook following? YEARS. Ain’t nobody got time fo dat! And I don’t have time for rear ends.

    • YEAH!! It’s bizarre the rabid I NEED AN INVITE going on via Facebook and Twitter right now. Like Facebook’s closing it’s doors tomorrow or something. There’s things that annoy me about the site, but not enough to leave in a huff, or even to make me invest time in a fb-like site.

  2. I’ve been on it for 2 days. I can honestly say it is clean. Your mind isn’t distracted by clutter of ads or news stream. I literally feel at ease when I’m on ello. Granted ello will evolve with new features, I do hope the minimalist approach of the user interface sticks. I am a business owner and can already see a few ways to market without being intrusive. Facebook is like work and ello is like that glass of wine / bottle of beer you have after you get off work.

  3. I think overall, minimalist layouts are a huge web design trend these days. You’re hitting the nail right on the head – we’re living in a CNN world where a bajillion things are scrolling past our eyes in a constant stream of information. People are ready for less clutter and more white space! Keep us posted on how Ello works out for your business, I’d love to hear future developments.

  4. So.. I can see how people who make a living off of social media would hate Ello – It’s all about getting rid of that mentality in the social network… excluding corporations and making it about real people, not about selling products. Separation of person and corporation.

    I think that’s what a lot of people are fed up with the most on social media… Facebook games, company profiles, products, apps over-sharing that “Jane just used a groupon”.. no one cares about that stuff or wants to see it. It seems like everyone and their mom wants to include this Facebook interactivity to their business plan.

    it’s becoming where Facebook is it’s own internet-within-the-internet, pretty soon actual business websites won’t even be necessary. As a web designer, that’s what scares me because it eliminates the need for design if it all just fits in Facebook and all looks the same and boring.

    • Absolutely!! Facebook’s kind of distorting small business’ view of the internet and reaching customers by making them think that just a Facebook page is enough, that they don’t actually need a website for their business anymore. You and I know – the way Facebook’s changing their algorithm so less and less people are seeing the content a Facebook biz page is pushing out… a website for the business is more important than ever!

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