State of My Chest Address

I’m not going to be one of those moms that shares every sordid detail about everything… But I will share this week’s breastfeeding frustration.

Monday I had a doc appointment, and was put back on birth control. We talked about options, and when asked what I used before Phil, I said Orthotricyclen, but that I’d heard the pill can interfere with nursing. She suggested doing orthotricyclen low, which is the lowest estrogen levels possible while still being effective. And that if I noticed a significant drop in production we’d change to something else. She seemed confident it’d be fine, so I agreed.

Took the pill Tuesday, took the pill Wednesday, and BLAMMO. over the course of those two days, everything got effed up. Production went way low, and now all the “easy” feedings I’ve been having with Phil are gone. I’m off the pill again, using the bottle after Phil eats so he gets enough food, and working on getting production back up again. BLEEYARGH.

In theory I’ll be back to where I was in a few days, but in the meantime you may as well staple the kid on one chest and the pump on the other.

The thing that’s most frustrating about this mess (aside from wrecking the easy feedings Phil & I have had, being back to feeding every two hours and pumping for 10 minutes after, and not being able to split phil’s late night feedings with Josh) is that I had read about the pill possibly messing with nursing and I went ahead and did it anyway when my doc said let’s try it and see.

Moral of the story is trust your gut instinct on some things. Now if you’ll excuse me I have 45 minutes before this boy needs to eat again.

While I wouldn’t trade it for anything, (not true, id probably trade it for a pony or a full night’s sleep) breastfeeding is extremely taxing work.

Freelance Illustrator Steph Calvert โ€ข Steph Calvert Art |

Freelance illustrator Steph Calvert is an award-winning artist with 24 years of experience working as a creative professional. She is based in McDonough, Georgia, just south of Atlanta.

Steph Calvert has expertise as aย childrenโ€™s book illustrator. She is an expertย surface pattern designerย forย art licensingย and createsย line drawingsย for publishing and product design. Steph has years of additional expertise as aย mural artist, creatingย original art, andย logo designย for small businesses. She is currently querying literary agents with her first author/illustrator book projects.

National SCBWI Conference, 2023
Illustration Summer Camp โ€“ The Highlights Foundation, 2021
Make Art That Sells, 2017
BFA in Computer Art โ€“ SCAD, 1999

6 responses to “State of My Chest Address”

  1. Wish I had words of advice honey, but 1. It was soooooo long ago since my kids were attached to me, and 2. I haven’t been on the pill since college…. so I feel for ya. That’s all I can do.

  2. Steph,
    I know I am just some random chic on FB lol but I exclusively BF’d 3 kids (and had every problem under the sun for reals). To get your supply up eat some oatmeal (yay cookies!) and you can try mothers milk tea (Trader Joes or vitamin stores). Keep yourself hydrated….I had those Boost or Ensure (they have some for nursing moms) drinks for late night feedings and they helped.

    If you are exclusive BF chances are loooow (though not nonexistent) that you’ll push out another eggie ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good luck to you, it ain’t easy everyday but it is totally worth it…and it will get easier in a few months to where its second nature no probs ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. so I’m behind, the times.. but if you’re still looking for birth control options, I highly recommend the mirena iud. I bf’d my youngest while I had it in and it didn’t mess with supply at all. the hormones are delivered locally so there’s minimal amounts in the milk. if I remember correctly they just recommend that you wait 6 or 8 weeks postpartum.

    congrats again.. he’s a cutie.. and I look forward to seeing your super mom shirt for sale soon ๐Ÿ™‚

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