Tag: cheap

  • Show and Tell: Blog Tweaks for Cupcakes and Cutlery

    Kristin Ausk of the ever-delicious Meringue Bake Shop recommended me to her friend Sharon Garofalow of Cupcakes and Cutlery for some graphic design support last month. Sharon had started a website redesign recently. She hit a point where she liked where her new blog header was headed (you see what I did there?), but wasn’t entirely sure…

  • Tutorial: Command Hook Curtains for Oddly Sized Windows

    Last September, when Phil came home from the hospital and we were nursing, we’d spend a lot of time on the couch opposite our front door. Feedings in the early evening were kind of irritating, because the sun was juuuuust low enough to laser blast you right in the eyes through these slim little windows…

  • Show and Tell: Le Modern Trinket Site Design

    We had recently designed new hang tags and business cards for Christina Sanchez of Le Modern Trinket, and she was so pleased with our work she asked if we could overhaul her website as well! Using our favorite highly customizeable WordPress template, we revamped the site to be more search-engine friendly, adding plugins to allow…

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