Tag: friends

  • Just a reminder that you can use crap in Words With Friends.

    Just a reminder that you can use crap in Words With Friends.

  • Holy Crap We’re Married!

    Today’s Veteran’s Day, folks. As you thank the servicemen who have given their time (and sometimes their lives) to protect our reares, especially my brother Justin, my sister Danielle’s boyfriend Dan, and my brother-in-law Chris, also say a little Mazel Tov to Josh and I for being 4 year veterans of marriage. I can’t picture…

  • Caricature Drawin’ Last Night…

    Ok so last night was a blasty at the Long Beach Museum of Art! They were having their After Dark event, and invited Long Beach Craft Mafia to set up shop to show off and sell our wares and do some demos throughout the night. I set up my merch (which Tamara of Crayon Fawn…

  • Backyard Garden Bounty!

    We’ve started seeing awesome results from some of our backyard garden! Corn, jalepenos, onions, tomatoes, garlic – it’s all there and accounted for! I say awesome results from some of our backyard garden because other crops have not faired as well… Chickens, I’m looking in your direction when I say our strawberries and broccoli have…

  • SATC and Knitting

    a couple of years ago, my friend lamele and I embarked on a mission to watch all six seasons of sex and the city. (we have very lofty goals!) every now and then, we’ll get together for another chunk of episodes, some drinks, and delicious food, and we’ve been very lax about getting through all…

  • Etsy Craft Party Success

    i was offline all weekend getting caught up on things around the house, but lemme tell ya, friday night was SO MUCH FUN! we had our etsy craft party at the road less traveled shop in santa ana, and i think it’s safe to say it was a big success! the party was held to…

  • comedy gold!

    this is too funny to not share with y’all – at dinner with lamele tonight, we were talkin baby shower. I tell her, “hey I’m cool with havin some kind of boozy drinks there if you think the ladies’ll be into it, I’m not that way where if I can’t drink no one else can…

  • Etsy Craft Party in the works! You should come!

    y’all should join me on friday june 18th at the road less traveled in santa ana! i’ll be there with long beach craft mafia from 5-9 as we celebrate etsy’s birthday and participate in their worldwide craft party! it should be a ton of fun – just bring a craft you’re working on and a…

  • Pride parade pics!

    Josh, Gayle, Jay and I ventured to downtown Long Beach last Sunday to take in the Pride parade, and it was amazing! So many good floats, costumes, wigs… it really was a sight to behold! High points included seeing our friend Liz Abbott of Leatherette Heart dancing in the parade, and getting free plastic whistles…

  • we feel fine book winner…

    three cheers to the winner of our we feel fine book giveaway, mr. brian sikorski of wonderful time photography! it seems random.org wanted to see his flaming middle finger just as much as we did, and brian was nice enough to oblige with a photo! still bummed you didn’t win? it’s ok, you can still…

  • a quick thought for a monday evening…

    i have quite a lot of times in my life where i am excited and happy about things that are going on. and i am really fortunate and grateful for how freaking awesome my life and the people involved in it are.

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