Tag: life

  • I Am an Illustrator.

    I Am an Illustrator.

    We all say about a billion inane things that don’t really matter in the course of a day. There’s grocery list additions, refereeing your kids, quiet muttering to yourself when they don’t listen, idle threats. Endless requests for certain members in your house to put on pants. Stupid jokes. But every now and then, if…

  • Marathon Days, and Why I’m a Bad Friend

    I can’t be the only mom of littles that feels like the days are a marathon. I get up at 5:30am and go to bed around 10pm. Most days are a blur of meals, diapers, work, and chores. Breathing is a luxury. Lots of evenings are spent catching up on stuff I couldn’t get to…

  • Wild America in Our Own Backyard

    Recently, I went out to the backyard for something and was greeted with an unexpected visitor just hanging out on our lawn. The second I came out the door he booked it, making haste for the wall. But instead of hopping it and running off, he just hung out. Watching me. But more importantly, watching…

  • Photoshop Magic Strikes Again!

    This morning, I was up early, early, early. Had a little time to kill before work, so I started pulling pictures off my digital camera. I had thought I was just pulling pics off from Phil’s first birthday celebrations over the last week, but quickly realized I had a whole summer of photos that needed…

  • Side Effects May Include Ridiculous Crying

    So if you’ve known me for any length of time, it’s a good chance we’ve seen a movie together. And if it’s a really good movie, like that True Grit remake, sometimes I get a bit teared up at the end because it was just so effing awesome. And if it’s a REALLY really good…

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