Tag: love

  • You’re Not My Best Friend Anymore

    We… have had our hands full lately, Josh and I. That is an understatement. Along with our crazy work schedules and ten acres of fixer-upper farm to contend with, there are two small children that we just can’t seem to stop taking care of. We just like them is all. That doesn’t always mean they’re…

  • Separation Made Me a More Patient Wife

    Last weekend, we celebrated Josh’s first full year as a Georgia resident. My year anniversary was back in early September of last year. We were separated by 2500 miles for seven months – not because of fighting, not because of a strained relationship. It was more a working together over a long chunk of time…

  • The Risk of Loss

    This week’s been a rough one in our church family, as we’ve lost two of our members. The first, Tricia, was a gal that I didn’t know personally; my heart still hurts deeply for the family, the kids, and friends she left behind. Yesterday, I got a solid punch in the emotional gut when I…

  • A Quest for Anniversary Dinner

    So for our anniversary dinner last week, I wanted to try someplace we hadn’t been before. I advanced token to restaurant.com for ideas, because they’ve got coupons for cheap eatin’. And we’re old. And old people love their coupons. We narrowed it down to two Long Beach options: Ristorante DaVinci overlooking the airport, or Lasher’s…

  • Holy Crap We’re Married!

    Today’s Veteran’s Day, folks. As you thank the servicemen who have given their time (and sometimes their lives) to protect our reares, especially my brother Justin, my sister Danielle’s boyfriend Dan, and my brother-in-law Chris, also say a little Mazel Tov to Josh and I for being 4 year veterans of marriage. I can’t picture…

  • Commission in Progress: Wedding Cake Topper!

    I just wanted to share the progress on a wedding cake topper I’ve been commissioned to paint for an upcoming wedding! I love working collaboratively on projects like this, it really turns out a unique result. The bride has all kinds of quirky, eclectic and handmade elements she’s incorporating into her wedding, including a bouquet…

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