Tag: marriage

  • Perfect Timing.

    Josh and I have been in a marriage small group hosted by our buddies the Burkhalters for the last chunk of weeks, and it’s been a pretty fun way to spend a Thursday evening. Every week, they’ve had one of the couples in the group share the story of how they got together. I love…

  • Just a Little Reminder That I Heart You

    Even on the hardest of days, when we all feel like nothing is going right… Even on the most ridiculous days chock full of interruptions and madness, where it feels like we’re fighting an uphill battle and making zero headway whatsoever… I still love you, more than I can say, and this is all eighty…

  • It’s All About Perspective

    There’s a lot of great things I’ve seen on the internet this week, but a stay at home mom’s piece on Babble trumped all for me. She wrote a great post about why being a stay at home mom was a luxury for her husband, and it smacked me right in my big stupid face.…

  • Marathon Days, and Why I’m a Bad Friend

    I can’t be the only mom of littles that feels like the days are a marathon. I get up at 5:30am and go to bed around 10pm. Most days are a blur of meals, diapers, work, and chores. Breathing is a luxury. Lots of evenings are spent catching up on stuff I couldn’t get to…

  • Separation Made Me a More Patient Wife

    Last weekend, we celebrated Josh’s first full year as a Georgia resident. My year anniversary was back in early September of last year. We were separated by 2500 miles for seven months – not because of fighting, not because of a strained relationship. It was more a working together over a long chunk of time…

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