Tag: notes from work

  • notes from work – the thanksgiving edition!

    ok so with tomorrow being thanksgiving, i have like a billion things on my to do list today – i thought i was being smart, and tried to get a bunch of it done before work. which left me running late to the office, as usual. and of course, strangeness from the moment i get…

  • notes from work: halloween costume contest

    omg guys, i love halloween! y’all know i’m working full time at hearts and laserbeams now; i was so excited to hear that they have a halloween costume contest! hearts and laserbeams really knows how to treat its employees well, and 1st prize in their yearly contest wins a bottle of wine and a nap…

  • Notes from Work: Jury Duty

    So yesterday I had jury duty, meaning I didn’t have to go in to the office, which was rad. It was a pretty interesting day – sat in the jury waiting room for 2 hours, and then got called with a group to go into a courtroom. Was one of the first ones called up…

  • notes from work… the introduction

    “notes from work” is really, REALLY exciting – it’s a new feature i’ll be writing every now and then that’ll follow my adventures as a self-employed girl working at home, and i swear it’s gonna be amazing! i got a memo from my boss this morning that i should really start wearing pants to the…

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