The Progression of Flair

Last night we went to the local TGI Fridays. It’s good food, close to home, they mail us lots of coupons… and most of all is a nice loud environment where we won’t bug people with the boisterousness of our babby.

So we’ve all seen Office Space, and remember the Jennifer Aniston character workin at Tchotchke’s, gettin hrearled about her flair, and how it absolutely was comdedy stabbings at TGI Friday’s flair-centric uniforms at the time.

Jennifer Aniston in Office Space

And then a few years ago, (around 2005, because I care about you enough to do the internets research) TGI Fridays left the suspenders and rear endon flair behind more polished looking uniforms, because the servers didn’t like wearing cheesy suspenders and tons of rear endons. Go figure.

I don’t know if they were trying something new last night, or if it was a theme night or something? But everyone was in plaid shirts, some were in cowboy hats, country western music played on the loudspeaker. Huh? It was for sure something new, because folks were showing up to work in their brand new cowboy vests getting oooh’d and aaaaah’d by coworkers.

Josh still saw the big ol stripey ties on hostesses… But wait, what? You guys are going country? It was weird. We’re not anti-country western theme, it just seems an odd direction for the restaurant to go.

Here, let me illustrate it for you. For your perusal, the Flowchart of Flair:

TGI Fridays Flowchart of Flair

I’d be interested to know if the Long Beach Town Center location is a test site for the new westerny flavor? Who’s in the know, shed some light on this here rodeo!

Freelance Illustrator Steph Calvert • Steph Calvert Art |

Freelance illustrator Steph Calvert is an award-winning artist with 24 years of experience working as a creative professional. She is based in McDonough, Georgia, just south of Atlanta.

Steph Calvert has expertise as a children’s book illustrator. She is an expert surface pattern designer for art licensing and creates line drawings for publishing and product design. Steph has years of additional expertise as a mural artist, creating original art, and logo design for small businesses. She is currently querying literary agents with her first author/illustrator book projects.

National SCBWI Conference, 2023
Illustration Summer Camp – The Highlights Foundation, 2021
Make Art That Sells, 2017
BFA in Computer Art – SCAD, 1999

2 responses to “The Progression of Flair”

  1. I work at a TGI Fridays and this made me giggle! Our restaurant is in close proximity to a large music venue and we often do theme nights during the summer that go along with whatever artist is playing. The first night that I worked I was very surprised when I came in and the bartenders were dressed like you described…,it turned it out was for one night only because a big country show was going on!

    • Ok I love that you replied to this!! We’ve been back to our Fridays a bunch of times since that blog post, and no more country theme, so I guess it really was some kinda theme day! It just seemed like everyone was so gung ho about it that it might be a permanent thing… Ideas for more theme outfit days to throw in the the ol’ suggestion box at work: LMFAO Party Rock Party night, Dress as Mrs. Roper from Three’s Company night, Come Dressed as Your Favorite Type of Pizza… I’ll see what else I can come up with!

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