Tag: Dreams

  • When Your Kid Has a Bad Dream

    “I had a bad dream!” We hear our four year old utter this sentence at least three to four times a week in our house. Probably more. Usually, it’s a ploy to come sleep in mom and dad’s bed. I know this because he’ll yell it literally 3 minutes after bedtime, when there’s no earthly…

  • What a Cuckoo Dream

    Guys. I can’t for the life of me figure out how to copy text in the Facebook app on my phone, so you’re going to have to make do with a screenshot of a funny dream I had last night. Enjoy!

  • Sleepy Time Phil

    When he falls asleep on my lap I don’t want to put him in bed. Too cute.

  • Chillin’ at Gramma’s

    Being Phil is hard work, guys. He has been working hard at being extra cute when meeting Gramma Carole’s friends in Las Cruces! And of course poop explosions don’t just magically happen; Phil’s gotta plan and then execute the diaper disasters. It just leaves him a little tuckered out.

  • rollin’ on the river

    I just woke up from the strangest dream… I don’t remember all of it, but the gist was I was hired by a guy that looked like John Edwards (the politician, not the psychic) to write his victory speech cuz he just got elected governor of mississipi. I’ve never written a political speech before, guys,…

  • things that go bump in the night…

    ok so last night around 3am, i had a really vivid dream. josh and i were swimming in this huge, calm river. it was freaking amazing, and looked a lot like ebenezer creek, where josh and i went canoeing when we were in georgia at the end of april. and this may be TMI, but…

  • high heels and flying

    i don’t remember much about my dream details-wise, but this morning when i was woke up (woken up? waked up? wooked up?) by some loud trucks outside my window, i was in the middle of a dream where i was running in heels – i have no idea why that’s significant, but it was a…

  • sleepy time steph

    i haven’t slept very well all weekend and i don’t know what is up with that. also, why the heck won’t my computer stick with the right time – it constantly says it’s an hour earlier than it is, even when i update the crap and it’s watering me off!!! aaaaaaaaaand last night i saw…

  • I’ll Haunt Your Dreams

    no lie, i had a dream this morning that freddie kreuger was in and i made myself wake up because it was too gorey. — Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer http://www.cingular.com

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