Tag: this just in

  • comedy gold!

    this is too funny to not share with y’all – at dinner with lamele tonight, we were talkin baby shower. I tell her, “hey I’m cool with havin some kind of boozy drinks there if you think the ladies’ll be into it, I’m not that way where if I can’t drink no one else can…

  • rollin’ on the river

    I just woke up from the strangest dream… I don’t remember all of it, but the gist was I was hired by a guy that looked like John Edwards (the politician, not the psychic) to write his victory speech cuz he just got elected governor of mississipi. I’ve never written a political speech before, guys,…

  • keep your ears clean, son

    I promise you this isn’t my q-tip… I like to think it’s from someone who was trying to multi-task by cleaning their ears while on their morning walk, kinda like that dude who can shave while going 80 in the carpool lane or the gal stuck in traffic putting on mascara. like maybe this q-tip…

  • morning walk

  • the more you know…

    this morning I’m celebrating sending all my licensing show stuff to the printers yesterday! since getting this stuff together meant days and days of getting up at 4 or 5am to work before going to work, my celebrating is taking the form of sitting in bed playing words with friends on my phone. (you can…

  • i just wanted to tell you real quick…

    i cannot effing wait for this upcoming three day weekend!!! we at hearts and laserbeams are workin like mad to get ready for licensing show, and everything will have gone to print by the time saturday morning rolls around, which means you’ll find some major sleeping in going on to make up for all the…

  • Now Offering Advertising

    Y’all know how much I Twitter and Facebook to get the word out about this here site, and the blog in particular. Now you can benefit through signing up for an ad via Project Wonderful! For the next month or so I’ll be offering advertising for free so folks can get a feel for how…

  • last night’s pants off dance off

    I just wanted to let you know, last night Josh, Gayle and I ventured to Cowboy Country in Lakewood for the first time. and it was awesome, and we’ll probably go back. they attempted to teach a group of us two line dances, and we attempted to learn… but honestly most of the dance floor…

  • testing from my phone

    I just put the wordpress app on my phone, which will pretty much make any excuses for not posting almost daily null and void! huzzah! unless you’re not a fan of my writing… then I guess this is a sad day for you. look it’s a picture of one of our chickens!

  • and the award for worst sign spinner ever goes to…

    ok i see this dude all the time at the corner of carson and los coyotes diagonal in long beach, and he is officially the laziest sign spinner ever! he has his arrow on a string, tied to the traffic light pole. then he brings a chair, and just kinda listlessly taps his strung-up arrow every now and then…

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