Tag: cleaning

  • The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

    The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

    About a month ago, after deciding we wanted to have a garage sale, I got a notification from the library that they had gotten in the copy of The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up I had asked them to hold for me. Turns out, this is like the best book you could ever read…

  • How to Clean a Laptop Touchpad

    Phil started using ABCmouse.com this week, which he was super excited about. They advertise on all the kids tv channels, so we’ve been hearing about how he needs to use ABCmouse.com to learn about reading for months. I’m not kidding. Months. So when we got our account set up, I saw they had an Android…

  • Cleaning the Shower with Vinegar

    Anyone with more than one kid will tell you… That second kid totally wreaks havoc on any and all routines you had in place before she got there. I’ll be honest. My house used to be lots cleaner. I’m still keeping us in clean underwear and breakfast dishes, but I’m lucky if I have a…

  • 3 Tips for Easy Cleaning

    Today’s guest post comes from Madoline Hatter, who’s got some great tips for easy cleaning. Enjoy! (Wanna get in on the guest blogging game? Check out our guest blog posts guidelines and submit something already!) When you are running ragged with a thousand things to do the last thing you want to do is clean house. However,…

  • Tips on How to Clean A White Board

    I realized this week I had no idea how to really clean a white board. I came to this sad realization when I finally unpacked my big dry erase board I use to keep track of long term projects. It’d been sitting in a box with dry erase notes and doodles on it for four…

  • How to do Carpet Cleaning

    So let’s say you’ve lived somewhere for three years and have really nasty carpets and you’re wondering how to do carpet cleaning. A few weeks ago, I was wondering how to do carpet cleaning. I was planning on having some blogging friends over for a party and my floors were… less than presentable. I had…

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